Our Services

Hearing Assessment for Adults

Don’t let hearing limit your life

At Zest Hearing Care we offer a range of hearing assessments, so whether you have concerns over your hearing or not you will be able to find an option that works for you. All of our assessments are carried out by our experienced, highly trained audiologists who will be able to offer you expert advice on making the most of your hearing, keeping you connected to the sounds you love.

Detailed Hearing Assessment

This comprehensive hearing assessment is our premium option. It includes a thorough evaluation of your ear health, hearing levels and ability to recognize speech in both quiet and background noise as well as, where appropriate, an assessment of the benefits of modern hearing aid technology.

When your appointment begins your audiologist will begin by talking to you about the symptoms you have experienced and any concerns you have regarding your ears or your hearing. If you have brought a friend or relative with you they will also be encouraged to participate in this conversation, as other people sometimes notice things that we don’t! Your clinician will then also ask you some medical questions regarding your ears to make sure that they have a thorough understanding of your history.

Your audiologist will then use a small camera to look inside your ears. They will assess whether there are any blockages, in your ear canals as well as looking at the health of your ear drums. The images of this examination will be visible on the computer screen so that you can see the inside of your ears for yourself!

Once the visual appearance of your ear canals and ear drums has been checked your clinician will move on to an assessment of the health of your middle ears and the movement of your ear drums. In this test a small rubber tip will be placed in your ear and you will feel a small amount of pressure for a few seconds – similar to going through a tunnel in a car.

One of the most important parts of the hearing assessment appointment is the hearing test. During this you will hear a number of beeps and whistles at different pitches and volumes, and your audiologist will ask you to let them know when you hear a noise.

The results of this assessment produce a graphical representation of the quietest sounds that you can hear at different pitches, as well as giving an indication as to which part of your hearing pathway is responsible for any hearing loss detected.

Although audiometry can give a great indication of and explanation for any hearing difficulties you may be experiencing, it is not very representative of real life. To examine how well your hearing is functioning in your daily life your audiologist will then move on to some speech tests in order to assess any difficulties you have with detecting speech clearly.

If a hearing loss was detected during the previous tests then some additional speech assessment will be performed while amplification is provided via modern hearing aids. This will measure the potential benefits you would gain from addressing this hearing loss.

Once all of the clinical testing has been completed you will have a chance to ask your audiologist any questions that you may have – although you are of course welcome to ask them at any time during the appointment!

Your clinician will also speak to you about their recommendations for looking after your hearing in the future, which may include regular monitoring of your hearing or some adaptations to your communication methods (listening tactics).

If a hearing loss is detected your audiologist may recommend booking a detailed hearing assessment to further investigate the impact that this is having on your everyday life and to provide the time to discuss recommendations for future treatment plans.

When your appointment begins your audiologist will begin by talking to you about the symptoms you have experienced and any concerns you have regarding your ears or your hearing. If you have brought a friend or relative with you they will also be encouraged to participate in this conversation, as other people sometimes notice things that we don’t! Your clinician will then also ask you some medical questions regarding your ears to make sure that they have a thorough understanding of your history.

Your audiologist will then use a small camera to look inside your ears. They will assess whether there are any blockages, in your ear canals as well as looking at the health of your ear drums. The images of this examination will be visible on the computer screen so that you can see the inside of your ears for yourself!

Once the visual appearance of your ear canals and ear drums has been checked your clinician will move on to an assessment of the health of your middle ears and the movement of your ear drums. In this test a small rubber tip will be placed in your ear and you will feel a small amount of pressure for a few seconds – similar to going through a tunnel in a car.

One of the most important parts of the hearing assessment appointment is the hearing test. During this you will hear a number of beeps and whistles at different pitches and volumes, and your audiologist will ask you to let them know when you hear a noise.

The results of this assessment produce a graphical representation of the quietest sounds that you can hear at different pitches, as well as giving an indication as to which part of your hearing pathway is responsible for any hearing loss detected.

Although audiometry can give a great indication of and explanation for any hearing difficulties you may be experiencing, it is not very representative of real life. To examine how well your hearing is functioning in your daily life your audiologist will then move on to some speech tests in order to assess any difficulties you have with detecting speech clearly.

If a hearing loss was detected during the previous tests then some additional speech assessment will be performed while amplification is provided via modern hearing aids. This will measure the potential benefits you would gain from addressing this hearing loss.

Once all of the clinical testing has been completed you will have a chance to ask your audiologist any questions that you may have – although you are of course welcome to ask them at any time during the appointment!

Your clinician will also speak to you about their recommendations for looking after your hearing in the future, which may include regular monitoring of your hearing, some adaptations to your communication methods (listening tactics), or hearing aids. Your audiologist will of course never pressure you to make any decisions in a hurry, or to purchase any hearing aids before you are ready, and any future plan will be a joint decision with your desires taking the highest importance.

Quick Hearing Test

Our quick hearing test offers an evaluation of your hearing wellbeing. This includes a thorough evaluation of your ear health and hearing levels, as well as expert advice on the best ways to maintain or improve your hearing health.

When your appointment begins your audiologist will begin by talking to you about the symptoms you have experienced and any concerns you have regarding your ears or your hearing. If you have brought a friend or relative with you they will also be encouraged to participate in this conversation, as other people sometimes notice things that we don’t! Your clinician will then also ask you some medical questions regarding your ears to make sure that they have a thorough understanding of your history.

Once all of the clinical testing has been completed you will have a chance to ask your audiologist any questions that you may have – although you are of course welcome to ask them at any time during the appointment!

Your clinician will also speak to you about their recommendations for looking after your hearing in the future, which may include regular monitoring of your hearing or some adaptations to your communication methods (listening tactics).

If a hearing loss is detected your audiologist may recommend booking a detailed hearing assessment to further investigate the impact that this is having on your everyday life and to provide the time to discuss recommendations for future treatment plans.

Once the visual appearance of your ear canals and ear drums has been checked your clinician will move on to an assessment of the health of your middle ears and the movement of your ear drums. In this test a small rubber tip will be placed in your ear and you will feel a small amount of pressure for a few seconds – similar to going through a tunnel in a car.

One of the most important parts of the hearing assessment appointment is the hearing test. During this you will hear a number of beeps and whistles at different pitches and volumes, and your audiologist will ask you to let them know when you hear a noise.

The results of this assessment produce a graphical representation of the quietest sounds that you can hear at different pitches, as well as giving an indication as to which part of your hearing pathway is responsible for any hearing loss detected.

Once all of the clinical testing has been completed you will have a chance to ask your audiologist any questions that you may have – although you are of course welcome to ask them at any time during the appointment!

Your clinician will also speak to you about their recommendations for looking after your hearing in the future, which may include regular monitoring of your hearing, some adaptations to your communication methods (listening tactics), or hearing aids. Your audiologist will of course never pressure you to make any decisions in a hurry, or to purchase any hearing aids before you are ready, and any future plan will be a joint decision with your desires taking the highest importance.

When your appointment begins your audiologist will begin by talking to you about the symptoms you have experienced and any concerns you have regarding your ears or your hearing. If you have brought a friend or relative with you they will also be encouraged to participate in this conversation, as other people sometimes notice things that we don’t! Your clinician will then also ask you some medical questions regarding your ears to make sure that they have a thorough understanding of your history.

Your audiologist will then use a small camera to look inside your ears. They will assess whether there are any blockages, in your ear canals as well as looking at the health of your ear drums. The images of this examination will be visible on the computer screen so that you can see the inside of your ears for yourself!

Once the visual appearance of your ear canals and ear drums has been checked your clinician will move on to an assessment of the health of your middle ears and the movement of your ear drums. In this test a small rubber tip will be placed in your ear and you will feel a small amount of pressure for a few seconds – similar to going through a tunnel in a car.

One of the most important parts of the hearing assessment appointment is the hearing test. During this you will hear a number of beeps and whistles at different pitches and volumes, and your audiologist will ask you to let them know when you hear a noise.

The results of this assessment produce a graphical representation of the quietest sounds that you can hear at different pitches, as well as giving an indication as to which part of your hearing pathway is responsible for any hearing loss detected.

Once all of the clinical testing has been completed you will have a chance to ask your audiologist any questions that you may have – although you are of course welcome to ask them at any time during the appointment!

Your clinician will also speak to you about their recommendations for looking after your hearing in the future, which may include regular monitoring of your hearing or some adaptations to your communication methods (listening tactics).

If a hearing loss is detected your audiologist may recommend booking a detailed hearing assessment to further investigate the impact that this is having on your everyday life and to provide the time to discuss recommendations for future treatment plans.

Our Prices

Detailed Hearing Assessment

£ 70
  • This includes a thorough assessment of your hearing as well as the health of your ears.
  • A detailed speech assessment will be carried out in quiet as well as in noise.
  • If appropriate the benefits of modern hearing aid amplification will be assessed.
  • After your appointment you will receive a detailed report of the results.
  • If you proceed to purchase hearing aids from us within 3 months of your hearing assessment then the cost of your hearing assessment will be deducted from the price of the hearing aids.

Quick Hearing Assessment

£ 30
  • This includes a thorough assessment of your hearing as well as the health of your ears.
  • After your appointment you will receive a detailed report of the results.