Our Services

Tinnitus Support

What to expect...

If unwanted ringing or buzzing noises are having an impact on your life our tinnitus support appointments can help. Although tinnitus has no “cure” the right treatment will help to manage the symptoms and assist you in taking control of your life again. During your appointment your expert audiologist will take the time to listen to you and fully understand your symptoms in order to provide you with the best possible advice.

When your appointment begins your audiologist will begin by talking to you about the symptoms you are experiencing and how tinnitus is affecting your life. Your audiologist will then also ask you some medical questions to make sure that they have a thorough understanding of your history.

Next your audiologist will assess your hearing and ear health thoroughly, using otoscopy to assess the appearance of your outer ear and ear drum, tympanometry to assess the function of your eardrum and middle ear and audiometry to assess your level of hearing. The hearing test performed during a tinnitus assessment goes beyond a standard hearing test to check your hearing outside of the normal speech sounds.

Your tinnitus will then be thoroughly assessed using a number of different methods to identify the type, volume and pitch. Your audiologist will also evaluate the extent to which your tinnitus is negatively affecting your life.

Once all of the tests have been completed you’ll have a chance to ask your audiologist any questions that you may have – although you are of course welcome to ask them at any time during the appointment!

Your audiologist will also provide you with advice on options for managing your tinnitus in the future such as tinnitus therapy or sound enrichment. Your audiologist will of course never pressure you to make any decisions in a hurry and will be happy to answer any questions you think of at any time.

When your appointment begins your audiologist will begin by talking to you about the symptoms you are experiencing and how tinnitus is affecting your life. Your audiologist will then also ask you some medical questions to make sure that they have a thorough understanding of your history.

Next your audiologist will assess your hearing and ear health thoroughly, using otoscopy to assess the appearance of your outer ear and ear drum, tympanometry to assess the function of your eardrum and middle ear and audiometry to assess your level of hearing. The hearing test performed during a tinnitus assessment goes beyond a standard hearing test to check your hearing outside of the normal speech sounds.

Your tinnitus will then be thoroughly assessed using a number of different methods to identify the type, volume and pitch. Your audiologist will also evaluate the extent to which your tinnitus is negatively affecting your life.

Once all of the tests have been completed you’ll have a chance to ask your audiologist any questions that you may have – although you are of course welcome to ask them at any time during the appointment!

Your audiologist will also provide you with advice on options for managing your tinnitus in the future such as tinnitus therapy or sound enrichment. Your audiologist will of course never pressure you to make any decisions in a hurry and will be happy to answer any questions you think of at any time.

Our Prices

Initial Assessment

£ 120
  • This includes the same thorough assessment of your hearing and ear health as our Detailed Hearing Assessment
  • A complete assessment of your tinnitus and its impact on your life will be performed
  • Our highly trained, expert staff will provide information and advice on how to minimise your tinnitus and its effects
  • After your appointment you will receive a detailed report containing the results, information and advice provided during your consultation