Our Services

Hearing Protection

What to expect...

Loud noise is one of the main contributors of hearing loss, whether it is music or machinery, at work or at home. If you are worried that your hearing is at risk of damage by noise exposure our hearing protection consultation will provide you with the best advice for safeguarding your hearing for the future.

When your appointment begins your audiologist will begin by talking to you about your hearing, any concerns you have regarding your ears, your lifestyle and the types of noise that you are exposed to. They will then also ask you some medical questions regarding your ears to make sure that they have a thorough understanding of your history.

To ensure that your ears are currently healthy your audiologist will perform a visual examination of your outer ear and ear canal (Otoscopy) as well as a test to assess the function of your middle ear (Tympanometry).

One of the most important parts of the hearing protection appointment is the hearing test (Audiometry) which will assess the quietest sounds that you can hear at different pitches. This ensures that any existing damage to your hearing from noise exposure is detected so that it can be monitored and you can be advised on the best method to maintain your hearing in the future.

Once the clinical testing has been completed you will have a chance to ask your audiologist any questions that you may have – although you are of course welcome to ask them at any time during the appointment!

Your clinician will also speak to you about their recommendations for looking after your hearing in the future, which may include regular monitoring of your hearing as well as custom hearing protection.

When your appointment begins your audiologist will begin by talking to you about your hearing, any concerns you have regarding your ears, your lifestyle and the types of noise that you are exposed to. They will then also ask you some medical questions regarding your ears to make sure that they have a thorough understanding of your history.

To ensure that your ears are currently healthy your audiologist will perform a visual examination of your outer ear and ear canal (Otoscopy) as well as a test to assess the function of your middle ear (Tympanometry).

One of the most important parts of the hearing protection appointment is the hearing test (Audiometry) which will assess the quietest sounds that you can hear at different pitches. This ensures that any existing damage to your hearing from noise exposure is detected so that it can be monitored and you can be advised on the best method to maintain your hearing in the future.

Once the clinical testing has been completed you will have a chance to ask your audiologist any questions that you may have – although you are of course welcome to ask them at any time during the appointment!

Your clinician will also speak to you about their recommendations for looking after your hearing in the future, which may include regular monitoring of your hearing as well as custom hearing protection.

Our Prices

Hearing Protection Appointment

£ 50
  • This includes a thorough assessment of your current hearing to detect any existing noise damage
  • Recommendation on the best form of hearing protection for you and your lifestyle

Hearing Protection

£ 84 starting from
  • The price for custom earplugs starts at £84 for a pair
  • Our expert staff can advise you on the best options for you, taking your ears, hearing, lifestyle and preferences into account