Our Services

Ear Wax Removal

What to expect...

At Zest Hearing Care we provide safe and effective ear wax removal from our Daventry clinic. We pride ourselves on not rushing our appointments. This allows our clinicians plenty of time to remove the wax from your ears with the utmost comfort and safety and provides you with ample time to ask any questions you have regarding the health of your ears.

When your appointment begins you and your ear wax removal specialist will discuss the symptoms you are experiencing. Your clinician will then ask you some medical questions regarding your ears which will allow them to make sure that they select the safest method of wax removal for you.

After this your ear wax removal specialist will use a small camera to look inside your ears and to assess the type and amount of ear wax present (if any). The images of this examination will be visible on the computer screen so that you can see the inside of your ears for yourself!

Once your clinician has examined your ears, they will proceed to extract the ear wax using the best and safest method of removal for you and your ears (see below for more information). Before beginning any procedure they will explain everything in detail and will give you the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have.

At Zest Hearing Care we provide the highest quality service available. As a standard part of our ear wax removal service your clinician will then perform a full health check on your ears.

• Otoscopy – your specialist will examine the visual appearance of your ear canals and ear drums – you will be amazed by the difference once the wax has been removed! 

• Tympanometry – this test will assess the health of your middle ears (the part behind your eardrum)

• Hearing screen (adults only) – your clinician will screen your hearing to ensure that your ears are working well once the wax has been cleared

When your appointment begins you and your ear wax removal specialist will discuss the symptoms you are experiencing. Your clinician will then ask you some medical questions regarding your ears which will allow them to make sure that they select the safest method of wax removal for you.

After this your ear wax removal specialist will use a small camera to look inside your ears and to assess the type and amount of ear wax present (if any). The images of this examination will be visible on the computer screen so that you can see the inside of your ears for yourself!

Once your clinician has examined your ears, they will proceed to extract the ear wax using the best and safest method of removal for you and your ears (see below for more information). Before beginning any procedure they will explain everything in detail and will give you the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have.

At Zest Hearing Care we provide the highest quality service available. As a standard part of our ear wax removal service your clinician will then perform a full health check on your ears.

• Otoscopy – your specialist will examine the visual appearance of your ear canals and ear drums – you will be amazed by the difference once the wax has been removed! 

• Tympanometry – this test will assess the health of your middle ears (the part behind your eardrum)

• Hearing screen – your clinician will assess your level of hearing to check the overall health of your whole hearing pathway

How is the ear
wax removed?

At Zest Hearing Care we offer wax removal by microsuction, irrigation and manual removal. Our clinicians are fully trained and will work with you to select the safest and most comfortable method. This will depend on any ear related medical history you may have, as well as the type and position of your ear wax.

There are three possible methods of ear wax removal that may be used:

Wax removal by irrigation is often called “syringing”, however, it is a much safer method than the older version and no syringes are used!

During this procedure, a thin stream of body temperature water is directed into the ear, flushing the ear wax out.

Microsuction is a clean and safe method of removing ear wax for most people.

During this procedure the audiologist inserts a thin tube into the ear canal and “vacuums” the ear wax right out of the ear.

Manual ear wax removal is most suitable for loose ear wax that is close to the entrance to your ear canal. During manual ear wax removal, a tool is used to gently hook the wax out of your ear.

Wax removal by irrigation is often called “syringing”. However, it is a much safer method than the older version and no syringes are used!

During this procedure, a thin stream of body temperature water is directed into the ear canal. This flushes the ear wax out of the ear canal.

Wax removal by irrigation is often called “syringing”, however, it is a much safer method than the older version and no syringes are used!

During this procedure, a thin stream of body temperature water is directed into the ear, flushing the ear wax out.

Manual ear wax removal is most suitable for loose ear wax that is close to the entrance to your ear canal. During manual ear wax removal, a tool is used to gently hook the wax out of your ear.

Our Prices

No Wax Detected

£ 30
  • If no wax is found in your ears your audiologist will instead perform a hearing screen to assess the underlying health of your ears and hearing.

One Ear

£ 50
  • If we cannot complete the removal of your ear wax in a single session we will arrange for you to return for a further appointment at no additional charge.

Both Ears

£ 70
  • If we cannot complete the removal of your ear wax in a single session we will arrange for you to return for a further appointment at no additional charge.